Back-to-School countdown!
Complete the Annual Student Verification
Get your immunizations
Come to the Back-to-School Kick-Off
Send your Back-to-School pictures!
Good News
Upcoming Events
Back-to-School countdown!
Complete the Annual Student Verification
Get your immunizations
Come to the Back-to-School Kick-Off
Send your Back-to-School pictures!
Good News
Upcoming Events
City Schools families, it's time to complete the Annual Student Verification process in Campus Portal. All student information must be updated or verified, even if there are no changes. If you don't have a Campus Portal account, learn more at:
This mandatory process ensures accurate information for each student, including name, address, and guardian contact details and enables City Schools to contact you in an emergency, including weather-related school closures; provide important updates by email and robocall; and share important documents such as the annual family guide, Code of Conduct, report cards and more.
The Baltimore City Health Department is hosting two more immunization clinics to help families prepare for the 2024-25 school year. Families are urged to call 410-396-4454 to schedule an appointment.
Druid Health Clinic | 1515 W. North Ave.
Friday, Aug. 30, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Eastern Health Clinic | 1200 E. Fayette St.
Saturday, Aug. 24, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Join Mayor Brandon M. Scott and City Schools this Saturday, August 24 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at War Memorial Plaza for the Back-to-School Kick-Off! Join us for school supplies, hair braiding services, food, family resources, and more.
For more information, visit
City Schools is thrilled to see our students and families back for the 2024-25 school year! Share your first day of school pictures using #CitySchoolsFirstDay on social media, or visit to post your photo. Let’s celebrate the start of a great school year together!
On Monday, August 12, Hearst Media and the Baltimore Orioles hosted the inaugural Dr. Tim Tooten Stuff the Bus School Supplies Drive at the Baltimore City Public Schools District Office. Community members donated supplies to help City Schools students start the 2024-25 school year strong. The event is named in honor of retired WBAL education reporter Dr. Tim Tooten.
This year, Furley Elementary School was one of the many sites across Baltimore that hosted a National Night Out event. The annual campaign focuses on building community relationships and enhancing cooperation between police and neighborhoods.
Late last school year, the City Schools Office of Equity held its annual BMORE Me conference at Morgan State University. With the theme “Past, Present, and Future,” the event encouraged students to reflect on the past, examine the present, and look forward to the future. The conference, part of a weeklong series, was attended by middle school students and facilitated by high schoolers, alumni, and Office of Equity staff.
Across City Schools, teachers and staff are excitedly buzzing as they gear up to welcome students back into their classrooms and school buildings!
BIA West
Clay Hill Public Charter
Moravia Park Judy
Tench Tilghman
Monday, August 26 - First day of school (for most schools)
Tuesday, August 27 - Public Board Meeting - 5:30 p.m.
Monday, September 2 - Labor Day - Schools and offices closed
Main: 443-984-2000
Enrollment: 410-396-8600
Transportation: 410-396-7440
Complaints/ Concerns: 410-545-1870
Special Education Parent Response Unit: 443-984-1561
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