5 Things to Know
Come to the School Choice Fair
Voice your opinions about your school's budget
Opting out of photos and videos
Join the Student Media Team
Annual Review recommendations
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5 Things to Know
Come to the School Choice Fair
Voice your opinions about your school's budget
Opting out of photos and videos
Join the Student Media Team
Annual Review recommendations
Upcoming events
Spreading good news
Get local updates
📸 Furman Templeton Preparatory Academy
At City Schools, students choose their middle and high schools. To help in the Choice process, City Schools hosts a Choice Fair for families to learn about all their school options.
Want to know what you can expect at the Choice Fair? Check out this video from last year's fair to get a taste!
Join us at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 9 for the annual Choice Fair at the Baltimore Convention Center!
For more information about the Choice Fair, application deadlines, Open House dates, and more visit the School Choice page.
📸 Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School at Bentalou
City Schools is preparing for the 2024-25 school year and we want your input! What should your school invest in? What do you want to see more of in your school community?
Every school will host at least one Priority Engagement Session, where the community can share what they think is important with school leadership. To find the engagement session for your school, check this spreadsheet.
📸 Walter P. Carter Elementary/Middle School
This is a friendly reminder that if you do not want your student's photo shared, please complete the media opt-out form at your student's school, if you haven't already done so.
For more information, visit the Opt-out webpage for City Schools.
Is your middle or high school student interested in photography, videography, podcasting, storytelling, graphic design, or TV hosting and producing? Encourage your student to join the City Schools' Student Media Team. Applications are now being accepted. Apply now!
📸 Yorkwood Elementary
Each year, City Schools sends recommendations to the Board of School Commissioners about our school buildings and programs. These recommendations include items like creating new schools, relocating schools, renewing charter schools, and closing schools. To read the recommendations we made for the 2024-25 school year, visit the Annual Review page.
Calling all high school juniors and seniors! Visit the "Go to High School, Go to College" fair where over 50 of the top HBCUs in the country will be on site ready to talk to you about college life and choosing the right school. The college fair is on Saturday, December 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Morgan State University. Visit mtmcollegetours.org to register to attend.
📸 Benjamin Franklin High School at Masonville Cove
If you know a student who is interested in community leadership and changing their community for the better, please encourage them to apply for the 2024 Bank of America Student Leaders Program.
In the Student Leaders Program, they will get first-hand experience serving their communities through a paid eight-week internship with nonprofits like Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Habitat for Humanity.
The deadline to apply is January 17, 2024. For more information, visit Bank of America.
Main: 443-984-2000
Enrollment: 410-396-8600
Transportation: 410-396-7440
Complaints/ Concerns: 410-545-1870
Special Education Parent Response Unit: 443-984-1561
Baltimore City Public Schools does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy/parenting status, disability, veteran status, genetic information, age, or other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations, as outlined in Board Policies JBA, JBB, JICK, ACA, ACB, and ACD. Full nondiscrimination notice: www.baltimorecityschools.org/notice-nondiscrimination